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M. POLLARD (1811)

M. POLLARD (1811)Martha Pollard was a pupil at the Quaker School of Ackworth from 1809 until 1811. It was a common practise for the girls leaving Ackworth School to make parting gifts for friends and instructors. This sampler was most likely created for this purpose as the inscription reads: "A Token of Love". The Pollard family came from Horsham in Surrey. Martha and her three brothers attended Ackworth School between 1801 and 1815. Many of the Ackworth samplers were worked in very fine cross stitch
however, Martha worked hers on much coarser linen. This sampler is part of the Burrell Collection, accession no. E1962-70.

Size: Finished Size: 15 1/4" x 13 .5"
Thread Count: 35 count (14 thr/cm) on linen.
Recommended Level: Beginner
Cost: cht. $26.00
Categories: 19th Century English, Quaker
ID: 191

All prices are in US Dollars.

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